Monday, 13 January 2025

Spellings wc13.1.25

 This week, you have spellings focussed on spellings with ie/ei with a focus on the long ‘e’ sound. Please practise them on the practice sheet provided and put them into sentences in your Home Learning Journal.  

Mrs Stevenson’s group have their individual spellings to be tested and reviewed on Friday. You are to complete the same tasks of practising on the sheet provided and putting them into sentences in your Home Learning Journal for Friday. 

Your sentences and practice sheets will be checked on Friday. Please ensure you complete these with the focus you would have in class - avoiding spelling errors, making sure sentences make sense, and having the basics such as capital letters and full stops. 

Please underline the spelling in each sentence. 
















Friday, 10 January 2025


 Year 6,

Welcome back! It is 2025 and you have hit the ground running despite this week only being 4 days long. In maths, you have begun learning about ratio and proportion, and in English you have begun studying our new text ‘The Last Bear’. In computing, you revised copyright and how to check that access of different images, and in PSHE you considered what ‘normal’ is and protected characteristics that are covered by the Equality Act. In geography, you have looked at where different regions of the UK are, and have considered how climate change might impact different populations, and what changes can be made for this.


Your Home learning this week is:

Grammar – synonyms and antonyms -  pg58-59

Maths (blue book) – tables and charts - pg35-36


Next week in maths you will be continuing to work with ratio. In English, you will continue to work on our new text as well as completing a piece of writing relating to the end of our geography unit. In geography, you are going to conduct some fieldwork in our local area and in science you will begin the new topic relating to light.

This half term's coverage.

In English, we will be writing with inspiration form 'The Last Bear’. This will include a character profile, figurative descriptions, dialogue, monologue, logbook entry, and scientific report.


In maths, we will be working on ratio and proportion, algebra and decimal numbers.

In science, we will be studying light; how it works and how we see. 


In our foundation subjects, we will be completing our geography topic on population, and beginning our history topic on The Shang Dynasty.

In computing, we will be working on programming.  

In art, we will be using The Shang Dynasty as inspiration for design and working with different materials. 

In PSHE, we will be finishing our topic of Celebrating Differences and moving onto Dreams and Goals.

You should be:

 -        Reading 5 times a week and completing a reading journal activity once a week

 -        Practising spellings each week between the pre-test and test; writing spellings at least 5 times and writing them into sentences (ensure that these are high quality and make sense) in your Home Learning Journal (set on Monday and completed for Friday)

 -        Completing the piece of English and piece of Maths set each week (set on Wednesday and completed for Monday)

 -        Practising maths on Sumdog


Have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs Cresswell ðŸ˜Š


Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Spellings wc7.1.25

 This week, you have spellings focussed on spellings with suffix’s. Please practise them on the practice sheet provided and put them into sentences in your Home Learning Journal.  

Mrs Stevenson’s group have their individual spellings to be tested and reviewed on Friday. You are to complete the same tasks of practising on the sheet provided and putting them into sentences in your Home Learning Journal for Friday. 

Your sentences and practice sheets will be checked on Friday. Please ensure you complete these with the focus you would have in class - avoiding spelling errors, making sure sentences make sense, and having the basics such as capital letters and full stops. 

Please underline the spelling in each sentence. 
















Friday, 20 December 2024


 Year 6,

What a term! You have worked so hard and continue to be polite and helpful individuals who are setting a fantastic example for the school. 

Your home learning is Poetry reading, pages 6-13. 

From myself and the rest of the team, we thank you for all of our lovely goodies, wish you a lovely Christmas break, and a happy new year. We look forward to seeing you in 2025. 

Best wishes,

Mrs Cresswell ðŸ˜Š

P.S. I know I've not been great at uploading photographs this term so please see a selection below. 

Monday, 16 December 2024

Spellings wc16.12.24

 This week, you have spellings focussed on Year 3/4 and 5/6 spellings. Please practise them on the practice sheet provided and put them into sentences in your Home Learning Journal.  

Mrs Stevenson’s group have their individual spellings to be tested and reviewed on Friday. You are to complete the same tasks of practising on the sheet provided and putting them into sentences in your Home Learning Journal for Friday. 

Your sentences and practice sheets will be checked on Friday. Please ensure you complete these with the focus you would have in class - avoiding spelling errors, making sure sentences make sense, and having the basics such as capital letters and full stops. 

Please underline the spelling in each sentence. 
















Friday, 13 December 2024


 Year 6,

You have been busy this week with a whole range of activities. In English, you have been writing your narratives – they are fantastic so far. In maths,  you have worked with units of measure, including both metric and imperial measures. In science, you considered the impacts of smoking, vaping and alcohol on our bodies, and in geography you studied the impact of migration on populations, also relating this to your learning on refugees in PSHE. Today, phew, what a day…. You practised for the carol concert in church, had Christmas Jumper Day, ate Christmas Dinner, served the staff (you did an amazing job), and watched a movie in the afternoon.

This week your home learning pages are:

-        Maths – pg19-20

-        Grammar - pg 52-53


Next week is your final week of term and our final week on 2024 together! In maths, you will finish your work on units of measure, and then move onto more Christmassy maths. In English, you will finish your stories, edit them, write them up in best, and hopefully have a chance to share them or your poems with Year 4 (you will not be forced to). We will also attempt to find time to continue your websites in computing and work on populations in geography. You will also have a chance to watch the KS1 show, have Sharing Assembly, KS2 Christmas party, your Carol Concert, and potentially complete some Christmas Spanish. Your project is due on Monday, and next week you will also have a chance to share these with each other.


  Half term project - Amazing Authors!

This half term’s task requires you to become an amazing author. You are able to free-write on a topic of your choosing or using the picture that I have provided. Your writing can be typed or handwritten but must be your work. You can write fiction or non-fiction (e.g. a biography on your favourite footballer), 1st or 3rd person, past or present tense – depending on what you prefer. This is all about you writing in a style that you like!

I do however, have some expectations: minimum 500 words, maximum 3 pages, writing that has been edited in the same way that we do in class – spellings, varied sentences, vocabulary choice and I’ll say it again - it must be your own work!

Your project is due on Monday 16th December 2024 where you will have a chance to enjoy each other’s stories in small groups.



Please see the link   for the Christmas songs so that you can practise.

Please see the link    for the extended version of the Newsround interviews that some of you were involved in.

 You have PE on Tuesday so make sure you have your kits.


  You should be:

 -        Reading 5 times a week and completing a reading journal activity once a week

 -        Practising spellings each week between the pre-test and test; writing spellings at least 5 times and writing them into sentences in your Home Learning Journal (set on Monday and completed for Friday)

 -        Completing the piece of English and piece of Maths set each week (set on Wednesday and completed for Monday)

 -        Practising maths on Sumdog (competition starts TODAY!!)


Have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs Cresswell ðŸ˜Š


Monday, 9 December 2024

Spellings wc 9.12.24

        This week, you have spellings focussed on the practise papers you have begun sitting. Please choose at least 10 that you need to focus on. Practise them as you would on the practice sheet and put them into sentences in your Home Learning Journal.  

Your sentences and practice will be checked on Friday. Please ensure you complete these with the focus you would have in class - avoiding spelling errors, making sure sentences make sense, and having the basics such as capital letters and full stops. 

Please underline the spelling in each sentence. 



















