Thursday, 28 March 2024

 Dear all,


So here we are at the end of term and whilst it has been a fairly short one and each week has flown by quickly, it also seems to have been ages since we returned after Christmas so this break could not have been more welcome.


Make sure you get plenty of rest over the Easter holiday. Whilst I have not sent home any formal written homework, please do keep playing Sumdog to help build up your speed and accuracy when solving arithmetic questions.


Have a lovely Easter break and we will see you again in a couple of weeks, on Tuesday 16th April.


Mr Gradwell


Friday, 22 March 2024

 Dear all,


Where did that week just go? I cannot believe that a week has passed since I last sat here and wrote this! It has unfortunately been a bit of a dull and grey end to the week and looking at the forecast for the weekend, the weather isn’t due to improve too much, but I hope that this doesn’t stop any of you from getting out and about -it is so important for your mental wellbeing to be outside in the natural world as much as you can (think about the robot from Origins and how he/she ended up returning to it as soon as they could). I love this time of year as the cherry trees are blossoming, magnolias are in full bloom and even as the daffodils start to wane, tulip bulbs will be bursting into flower anytime soon now too, so do get outside and keep your eyes peeled for the wonder that nature brings us.


In English next week, we will be using the correct conventions of speech, writing a letter and finding out what happens at the end of the story. Note to parents: we will be watching the film version of the book which is a PG, so if anyone would prefer their child not to watch it, please do let me know before Thursday.


In maths, we will be continuing to look at fractions, decimals and percentages by ordering them and finding percentages of amounts.


Homework for this week is to complete your diagnostic test on Sumdog (it will be there when you log-in).


Have a great weekend


Mr Gradwell

Friday, 15 March 2024

Dear all,


First of all, I wanted to apologise for the lack of blog entry last week and for the lack of spellings on here on Monday -I was in no fit state to write anything at all this time last week, but I am pleased to say I am feeling better now and back on track.


In English next week, we will be discussing the recurring themes of Skellig, as well as writing for a range of purposes.


In maths, we will be continuing to look at fractions, decimals and percentages.


In history, we will look at the end of the Shang Dynasty and the reasons for it.


Computing will see us further exploring databases, using them to add, edit and calculate data.


Homework for this week is reading, which is found in the CGP Non-fiction book on pages 36-38 for everyone, as well as pages 39-41 for those of you who are able to complete them also.


Have a good weekend.


Mr Gradwell