Friday, 28 February 2025


Year 6,

This week in English you have debated over whether to eat a bowl of fruit, considered why an illustrator would use muted colours, and formed descriptive phrases inspired by our new book. IN maths, you problem solved using algebra and began working with decimal numbers into the thousandths. In science, you learnt Isaac Newton’s contribution to our knowledge of light, and investigated how different filters impact how we see colours. In PSHE, you considered how to reach your goals, the goals of others, and had a separate lesson considering how words and actions impact others. You have also had an opportunity to share your projects with the class – I was very impressed with the majority of these where you had clearly spent lots of time on them. There were a few which could have had longer spent on them, or should have been in on the deadline, considering you had four weeks to work on them. This week you also participated in the STEM KNEX challenge (photographs below). I was really impressed by your creativity when creating fairground rides, and well done to our winners.

Home learning pages:

Maths – pages 30-31

Grammar – pages14-15

Next week, you will work on our new book in English and continue working with decimals in maths. You will finish our light topic in science and will continue working on programming in computing. We have a few more unusual elements towards the end of the week. You will have a science workshop and World Book Day (including the author visit).



Reports have been sent home with you today - your adult must be present when it is opened and read. 

You should be:

 -        Reading 5 times a week and completing a reading journal activity once a week

 -        Practising spellings each week between the pre-test and test; writing spellings at least 5 times and writing 10 of them into sentences (ensure that these are high quality and make sense) in your Home Learning Journal (set on Monday and completed for Friday)

 -        Completing the piece of English and piece of Maths set each week (set on Wednesday and completed for Monday)

 -        Practising maths on Sumdog

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Cresswell 😊


Monday, 24 February 2025

Spellings wc24.2.25

 This week, you have spellings focussed on spellings with 'ence' and 'ance' endings . Please practise them on the practice sheet provided and put them into sentences in your Home Learning Journal.  

Mrs Stevenson’s group have their individual spellings to be tested and reviewed on Friday. You are to complete the same tasks of practising on the sheet provided and putting them into sentences in your Home Learning Journal for Friday. 

Your sentences and practice sheets will be checked on Friday. Please ensure you complete these with the focus you would have in class - avoiding spelling errors, making sure sentences make sense, and having the basics such as capital letters and full stops. 

Please underline the spelling in each sentence. 
















Friday, 14 February 2025


 Year 6,

What a half term! I can’t believe we are already off for a week but you have definitely earnt it. This week alone, you have read The Last Bear and covered active and passive voice in English. In maths you have continued with algebra and had a belated Number Day dedicated to statistics (pictograms, bar charts and line graphs to be specific). In science, you investigated refraction of light rays and the colour spectrum. You also acknowledged Safer Internet Day by looking at how to stay safe from scams and unpleasant use of the internet, and Children’s Mental Health Week where you have spent some time thinking about what you can do to step away when you need to. Below are a selection of photographs from this half term (I know I often forget to post them on here!)

Today, I have also given you the results from the SATs papers you took a couple of weeks ago. Well done to those of you who would have passed the 2022 papers. Remember that the pass marks can change and that you must continue to work hard to ensure you are ready for SATs, but more importantly for Secondary School. Many of you are only a few marks off of those you did not pass, keep working hard and you can change that!

Your SATs mark slips follow the pattern below.


Maths arithmetic /40

Maths reasoning 1 /35

Maths reasoning 2 /35

Total (Pass 58/110)

Reading  /50

(Pass 29/50)

SPaG  /50



Total SPAG

(Pass 35/70)

The full SATs papers you have taken home are the 2019 papers which you sat in December. The pass marks are below - you need to add together all the maths papers for the maths grade, add together the grammar and spelling marks to find the SPaG score, and the reading is what is on the front of your paper. You can use these to practise and see where you made errors you could now correct.

Maths (Pass 58/110)


(Pass 28/50)


(Pass 36/70)

Next half term, you will be working as hard (if not harder) so be sure to rest up over the coming week. Please remember to complete the home learning and half term projects ready for our return.


Home learning pages:

Maths – pages 35-36 OR 36-37 (Book1)

Reading – poetry book – Pages 18-23

Half Term project – Due 24.2.25 – Super Sculptors

This half term I would like you to focus your project on a particular sculptor. These are artists who create sculptures. The sculptor you study could be a classic or modern sculptor. Your learning outcome should include a presentation section and a creative section. As some of you have asked, yes you could study a piece of architecture and the architect who designed it.

The presentation part could be Word processed or a handwritten project. It must give information on the sculptor that has inspired you and how you have tailored their work to create your piece. Please ensure that this is your own work and not copied directly from somewhere else (remember our learning on copywrite). This must be able to be shared offline, as you will be developing your public speaking skill by presenting to a small group about your sculptor and your piece.

The creative part could be a drawing, painting, model or sculpture but must be inspired by the sculptor you have researched.

This should demonstrate the research you have put in over the weeks before the deadline of Monday 24th February, when you will share your learning with the class. 


You should be:

 -        Reading 5 times a week and completing a reading journal activity once a week

 -        Practising spellings each week between the pre-test and test; writing spellings at least 5 times and writing 10 of them into sentences (ensure that these are high quality and make sense) in your Home Learning Journal (set on Monday and completed for Friday)

 -        Completing the piece of English and piece of Maths set each week (set on Wednesday and completed for Monday)

 -        Practising maths on Sumdog

Have a lovely half term.

Mrs Cresswell 😊

Monday, 10 February 2025

Spellings wc10.2.25

 This week, you have spellings focussed on spellings with different suffix's . Please practise them on the practice sheet provided and put them into sentences in your Home Learning Journal.  

Mrs Stevenson’s group have their individual spellings to be tested and reviewed on Friday. You are to complete the same tasks of practising on the sheet provided and putting them into sentences in your Home Learning Journal for Friday. 

Your sentences and practice sheets will be checked on Friday. Please ensure you complete these with the focus you would have in class - avoiding spelling errors, making sure sentences make sense, and having the basics such as capital letters and full stops. 

Please underline the spelling in each sentence. 
















Monday, 3 February 2025

Spellings wc 3.2.25

 This week, you have spellings focussed on the SATs papers you have begun working on. You have copied 10 words to work on.  Please practise them and put them into sentences in your Home Learning Journal.  

Mrs Stevenson’s group have their individual spellings to be tested and reviewed on Friday. You are to complete the same tasks of practising on the sheet provided and putting them into sentences in your Home Learning Journal for Friday. 

Your sentences and practice sheets will be checked on Friday. Please ensure you complete these with the focus you would have in class - avoiding spelling errors, making sure sentences make sense, and having the basics such as capital letters and full stops. 

Please underline the spelling in each sentence. 



















