Friday, 7 March 2025


 Year 6,
What a week! In maths you have worked confidently with decimals, and in English you have written in numerous different styles, inspired by 'Paradise Island'. In history, you have continued your learning on The Shang Dynasty, perfecting your Oracle Bones, finding out what ordinary life was like, and considering the reliability of sources when learning about the end of the dynasty. On top of all of this, you have participated in a STEM talk on space and moon landing considerations, a science workshop on electricity (photographs below), and have marked World Book Day in style! 

Home learning pages
Maths - pages 5-6
Grammar - pages 16-17

Next week we will continue to mark science week by learning more about electricity. You will also continue with your learning on 'Paradise Sands' and decimals.

You should be:
 -        Reading 5 times a week and completing a reading journal activity once a week
 -        Practising spellings each week between the pre-test and test; writing spellings at least 5 times and writing 10 of them into sentences (ensure that these are high quality and make sense) in your Home Learning Journal (set on Monday and completed for Friday)
 -        Completing the piece of English and piece of Maths set each week (set on Wednesday and completed for Monday)
 -        Practising maths on Sumdog

Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Cresswell 😊

Monday, 3 March 2025

Spellings wc3.3.25

  This week, you have spellings focussed on learning their meaning, the meaning of the prefix, or the meaning of the homophone. Please practise them on the practice sheet provided and put them into sentences in your Home Learning Journal.  

Mrs Stevenson’s group have their individual spellings to be tested and reviewed on Friday. You are to complete the same tasks of practising on the sheet provided and putting them into sentences in your Home Learning Journal for Friday. 

Your sentences and practice sheets will be checked on Friday. Please ensure you complete these with the focus you would have in class - avoiding spelling errors, making sure sentences make sense, and having the basics such as capital letters and full stops. 

Please underline the spelling in each sentence. 














