Saturday 18 November 2023

Dear Year 6,

Sorry that this blog is a day late, but better late than never.

We had a very productive week this last week with some excellent discussions taking place as part of anti-bullying week. Remember that, as your teachers, we are here for you during school time if you need to talk about anything that might be bothering you, but more importantly, your family are always there for you and I would strongly urge you to talk to them if any issues of bullying arise at any point of your school-life. ‘Make a Noise’ -don’t stay silent!

It was nice to see you all getting to come to school in your own spotty clothes yesterday, helping to raise money for what is a very special cause –Children in Need. Thank you for all of the money that you donated.

In English next week, we are continuing with our series of work based around the book, Arthur Spiderwick’s Field Guide to The Fantastical World Around You, by looking at how hyphens are used before putting them into a poem and focussing on making links within and across paragraphs.

In maths, we will be adding and subtracting mixed numbers before solving multi-step problems involving fractions.

In science, linked to healthy living, you will be looking at how the heart works and carrying out an investigation about the pulse rate.

In D & T, we will begin our new topic by looking at and trying out different stitching techniques.

In geography, we will be starting our new topic on population change by looking at the reasons for changes over time.

Homework for this week is to complete pages 16, 17 and 18 of the CGP Reading Non-Fiction book as a minimum and as an extension, I would like some of you to complete pages 19, 20 and 21 as well -anyone is welcome to complete these pages.

As I discussed with you yesterday also, I have now set your half termly project (due to be returned by Monday 18th December). This project will involve you finding out as much as you can about coastal erosion (put into your own words, not just copied directly from the internet) and to present this in as creative way as possible. Remember that I have set a challenge as part of this for you to write a newspaper article based on the collapse of the Holbeck Hall Hotel in Scarborough in 1993, though even if you choose not to write the article, I would still like you to find out all about the event, including watching the clip of the chimney stack falling down on live TV.

Finally, remember that the Sumdog competition also began yesterday so try and complete as many of the 1000 questions as you can between now and Thursday to get us on the leaderboard.

Have a great weekend

Mr Gradwell

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