Friday, 16 February 2024

Dear all,

So here we are at the spring half term break and you are now half-way through your time in Year 6 already! I hope you all have a nice, restful break and that you are all ready and raring to go on with all the hard work when you return.

In English after we return, we will be looking at a short clip called Origins which will lead to you writing a narrative based around the main character in it.

In maths, we will be focussing on rounding, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions.

In history, we will be finding out about the writing and calendar from the time of the Shang Dynasty.

In computing, we will be starting a new unit using Excel, exploring how to input and edit data.

As you know, I have given you the half term break off from homework so have a great time and see you all on Monday 26th.

Mr Gradwell

Friday, 9 February 2024

Dear all,

And so we come ever closer to the half term break and fortunately, the lighter nights and mornings that come after that as spring begins to kick in. There is still lots to be done before then though and as I have said many times, I need to see a continued focus from you all at all times!

In English and maths next week, we will be carrying out practice SATs tests. The tests in English focus on reading, spelling, punctuation and grammar and in maths the focus is on arithmetic and reasoning. Feedback from these will be given to you all after half term so that you know what your own individual next steps will be, moving forward.

In history, we will explore what life was like for people during the Shang Dynasty and how the sources of information have been gathered over time.

In art, we will use dry painting techniques to add depth and colour to the oracle bones before creating other objects using clay.

In computing, we will be using Weebly to create webpages to add your information on the Shang Dynasty that you have collected over the last few weeks.

Homework this week is maths and covers some of the topics related to algebra that we have looked at over the last 2 weeks. Please do continue to use Sumdog as well, as this will help with your maths fluency speed.

Have a great weekend

Mr Gradwell

Friday, 2 February 2024

Dear all,

And yet another week has just flown by! I know I wasn’t with you for a couple of the days this week but I am pleased to see that you still completed some good leaning in my absence which has meant that we have got everything done that we needed to.

In English next week, we will be finishing off Kensuke’s Kingdom by completing written comprehension tasks, writing Haiku poems, and writing a precis of the text.

In maths, we will be finishing off our unit on algebra by solving equations with up to 2 steps and solving problems involving everything that you have learnt within the unit.

In science, you will be finding out about the impact of smoking and vaping on your health.

In history, we will be finding out about royal burials in the Shang Dynasty.

In computing, linked to history, you will be continuing with your publications on the Shang dynasty.

In art, you will use clay to make your oracle bones sculptures.

Homework is found in your CGP Non-Fiction book on pages 29, 30 and 31 or on the sheets if you have been given them. This is once again due to be returned on Monday. In addition to this, I would like you to play Sumdog as much as you can this weekend (and until next Thursday). As I sit here and type, our class is at the top of the league table and 7 of you are in the top ten so let’s all work together to try and keep us up there!

Have a great weekend

Mr Gradwell