Friday, 9 February 2024

Dear all,

And so we come ever closer to the half term break and fortunately, the lighter nights and mornings that come after that as spring begins to kick in. There is still lots to be done before then though and as I have said many times, I need to see a continued focus from you all at all times!

In English and maths next week, we will be carrying out practice SATs tests. The tests in English focus on reading, spelling, punctuation and grammar and in maths the focus is on arithmetic and reasoning. Feedback from these will be given to you all after half term so that you know what your own individual next steps will be, moving forward.

In history, we will explore what life was like for people during the Shang Dynasty and how the sources of information have been gathered over time.

In art, we will use dry painting techniques to add depth and colour to the oracle bones before creating other objects using clay.

In computing, we will be using Weebly to create webpages to add your information on the Shang Dynasty that you have collected over the last few weeks.

Homework this week is maths and covers some of the topics related to algebra that we have looked at over the last 2 weeks. Please do continue to use Sumdog as well, as this will help with your maths fluency speed.

Have a great weekend

Mr Gradwell

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