Dear all,
Another week has passed by so
quickly! I know I have not been with you in the afternoons much this week, but
I am pleased to hear that you have worked hard even when I have not been around
which has been great to hear.
As it is Sports Day next Thursday
(weather permitting), you will all be helping out the younger members of your
‘houses’ in the morning before taking part in your own races in the afternoon.
In English next week, we will begin
a new book called The Girl of Ink and Stars by using written persuasive
techniques and retrieving and summarising details from the text.
In maths, we will be continuing with our topic on financial maths by
using market research techniques to finalise the business ideas before
marketing the products/services. Our computing will be linked to our maths
lessons as we use computer programs to develop ideas for business logos, create
questionnaires and begin to develop advertising campaigns.
In geography, we will continue with our Energy topic by looking at
energy in the UK.
As I mentioned today, your PE lessons have now switched
permanently from Tuesday to Monday with the other days remaining the same
(Thursday am and Friday pm).
For those of you who are acting as Treasurers for your businesses,
you will have been given the £35 spending money this afternoon. As explained,
you will need to collect and keep all receipts and I would like you to bring
these back in on Friday 28th June on the Apprentice sale day. Some
of you have been asking me about the float situation and just to reassure you,
anything that you bring in for that will be paid back to you in full at the end
of the day (this is something else that the Treasurer will need to ensure
Have a good weekend.
Mr Gradwell
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