Monday, 27 January 2025

Spellings wc27.1.25

   This week, you have spellings focussed on words that can be a verb or noun . Please practise them on the practice sheet provided and put them into sentences in your Home Learning Journal.  

Mrs Stevenson’s group have their individual spellings to be tested and reviewed on Friday. You are to complete the same tasks of practising on the sheet provided and putting them into sentences in your Home Learning Journal for Friday. 

Your sentences and practice sheets will be checked on Friday. Please ensure you complete these with the focus you would have in class - avoiding spelling errors, making sure sentences make sense, and having the basics such as capital letters and full stops. You only have 10 words as I would like you to use 7 of them in 2 different sentences (14 sentences in total), using them as a verb and a noun. If you have spelt the word correctly in the test this week, you do not have to practise it on the sheet. 

Please underline the spelling in each sentence. 











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