Friday 24 May 2024

Dear all,

Well, here we are at the end of the half term already; I cannot believe that you only have one more half term to go in Year 6 and your time at Little Heath. The year has, as ever, gone by quicker and quicker each week. We will have lots to fit in during that time left though, plus, of course, we have our performance to put together still, so no pressure there then!


Obviously, before all of that hard work, we have our visit to PGL to look forward to. If you are coming, please make sure you are on School Road by 11.40am on Sunday 2nd June. Please ensure you have your day bag with you, with a packed lunch, as well as your packed case and your bedding and any medication that you may need. If you are not able to attend PGL, please come in to school as normal on Monday 3rd June. When we return from PGL, we have the day off on Thursday 6th June and then we will be going off to Go Ape on Friday 7th June. For this visit, please can you ensure that you are in school by 8:30am as the coach is due to leave by 8:45 in order to get us there for the start of the morning session.


When we finally return to class in a couple of weeks, in English we will be looking at a fantastic visual literacy clip called Dreamgiver which we will use as a stimulus for a narrative based on the film.


In maths, we will continue our Apprentice project by doing some market research in order to generate some suitable ideas for products.


Have a lovely break and see you all on either 2nd or 7th June.


Mr Gradwell

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