Friday, 6 September 2024


 Hello Year 6!

It has been great to welcome you all into Year 6 (although I may have slipped up and called you Year 5 once or twice) and I hope you have enjoyed being back to school and are relishing all of the challenges that the year will bring. I also hope you agree with me when I say we have had a good first week back and we have eased ourselves gently into the new school year before the real hard work begins in earnest next week!

Moving onto our learning next week, in English we will begin with revising grammar from previous years, and will begin our series of work based around the book, Varjak Paw. This is a brilliant text and we will focus on understanding the book next week in our comprehension sessions. The writing focus for the text will be short story narrative, conveying a range of different genres.

In maths, we will continue the year by working on place value; comparing and ordering numbers; and rounding numbers.

In science, our topic will be living things and their habitats, with a focus on classification. You will be describing how living things are classified based on differences and similarities.

In history, we will be beginning our unit on the trends of crime and punishment from the Romans to the present day. We will begin by identifying specific changes over the time period and how things have progressed rapidly in recent times.

In computing, we will be focussing on using technology safely, respectfully and responsibly.

Our art lesson will be focused on creating a display for outside of our classroom, utilising computers to support this.

You have already begun spellings with our work on the Year 3 and 4 spellings. Next week, you will finish the last of these words and find the ones that you need to work on for the test on Friday.

This week, you have also chosen your first reading book of the year. Please ensure that you read and record this in your Reading Journal at least 5 times a week, also completing a weekly reading task.

Your Reading Journal also contains your login details for Sumdog and Outlook, both of which can be accessed from home.


Home Learning in Year 6 – Please see the message below which is the one that was stuck in your Home Learning Journal.

In Year 6, we will ask your child to ensure that they complete the following compulsory learning at home:

-        Reading 5 times a week and completing a reading journal activity once a week

-        Practising spellings each week between the pre-test and test; writing their spellings at least 5 times and writing them into sentences in their Home Learning Journal (set on Monday and completed for Friday)

-        Completing the piece of English and piece of Maths set each week (set on Wednesday and completed for Monday)

-        Practising maths on Sumdog

-        Completing the half termly project

If children do not complete/ attempt to complete the home learning, they will be given the opportunity to do so in the break/lunchtime of the day on which it is due (Monday for maths and English, Friday for spellings).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

House Captains Home Learning

While there is no formal homework sheet going home this weekend, please remember that I have asked you to write about what qualities that you have that would make you an ideal candidate for House Captain. Remember that this isn’t just for those wishing to put themselves forward for House Captain as the purpose of this activity is to reflect on all of your own positive qualities that you have. I expect you to write at least a paragraph (though many of you will hopefully choose to write more) giving a full list and explanation of all of your positive qualities and why these would make you suitable for House Captain should you choose to become one. This is to be returned on Monday (unless you are running for House Captain and doing it in the form of a PowerPoint or poster - I will see this work on Wednesday).

If you are running for House Captain, you must let me know by Wednesday. Any technological resources (e.g. PowerPoints, videos, etc.) must be with me by Wednesday. On Wednesday, you will be able to put up posters and discuss the fact that you are running with your house members on the playground.


Just to remind you all that you have PE on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday so make sure you have your kits in on these days.

Have a good weekend

Mrs Cresswell 😊

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